Thursday, December 27, 2007

Emotional Health in Teens

In order for people to feel good about them selves and have positive relationships, they must have control over their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. People who have good emotional health often display these attributes.

Emotionally healthy people are able to keep problems in perspective without blowing minor difficulties all out of proportion or failing to realize the seriousness of major issues. Being aware of oneself and having self control are sure signs of good emotional health.

If you are a teenager wondering if you are emotionally healthy, know that this is not uncommon. Teens often have trouble maintaining emotional health. The combination of physical and emotional changes that happen during this often difficult period can easily overwhelm a teenager.

Teenagers often endure many pressures while struggling to learn how to deal with the complexities of growing older. Sometimes you wonder if you are emotionally healthy just because you are torn between trying to be cool for your friends, get good grades for your future and your parents, and excel at sports or other extracurricular activities. You feel a lot of pressure from your peers to fit in, and their pressure can be counter to the pressure your parents, teachers and other adult caregivers are putting on you.

Wanting independence while not knowing how to be independent can also have a major impact on a teen’s emotional health. When you are a teen you are transitioning from your childhood into adulthood. You want to depend on your parents but you want to be independent too. All this struggle, and all these changes may make you wonder, are you emotionally healthy?

In order to combat emotional health problems in teens, parents or caregivers need to learn how to look for the warning signs that something is wrong emotionally. Not recognizing and acting on these signs can lead to severe social problems such as alcohol or drug abuse, unprotected sex, eating disorder or depression.

Common signs of an emotionally troubled teen often show up as noticeable to sever changes in appearance, behavior, and their social environment. They may seem to have trouble concentrating or have unusual problems in schools, getting poor grades when they had excelled before, or playing hooky or getting into fights or arguments. They may seem agitated or overly restless and may lose or gain weight at a greater than normal pace.

Teens who are not emotionally healthy may seem sad most of the time, and may stop caring about people and things that used to matter a lot to them. They may seem like they are no longer motivated by the things and activities that used to excite them. They might quit the football team or give up cheerleading. They may seem always tired, and seem to have only a fraction of the boundless energy they used to exhibit. They may seem to suffer from low self-esteem and their hygiene and wardrobe may suffer. They may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or both.

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1 comment:

TaylorSwift13 said...

Your answers are nice written!thanks you for your informations!