Monday, January 7, 2008

How Do You Know If You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Symptoms of CFS

Extreme Exhaustion.
You may be getting plenty of rest and sleep, but can’t seem to shake off the deep feeling if tiredness that consumes your body. This is probably the most common symptom of CFS and often robs the sufferer the ability to concentrate or become highly active; physically or mentally.

Headaches are fairly common, so how can you tell if it has something to do with chronic fatigue syndrome? Often, CFS patients describe headaches as a type they have never experienced before, whether it be in pattern or severity. If you are not used to headaches, and are starting to get them frequently, or in a particular area, or of a particular strength, this may be related to chronic fatique syndrome.

Weakness, Aches and Pains.
Muscle ache and pain that you are not used to feeling may appear in areas of your body. Lymph nodes in the upper body, around the neck or in armpits, may become swollen and tender.

Flu Like Symptoms.
Many people diagnosed with CFS report that it started with feelings of the flu. Being tired and having headaches both tie into this symptom. Some experience a sore throat, or feel generally “out of sorts”. Clammy hands and feet, rapid breathing, brisk heartbeat and chest pain are also symptoms of this ailment.

Loss of Memory.
Loss of memory is common among CFS patients and can affect your life in various way. This particular symptom can come and go as CFS persists and thrives in your body.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a Real Disease
Many people have a hard time accepting CFS as a legitimate disease. Your doctor, however will tell you that it is a very real, very life damaging disease that must be dealt with. Since many scientist and physicians believe this disease attacks when and because your immune system is weakend, it is important to keep it strong and healthy.

Natural products like Glutathione MAXGXL boost and maintain energy levels and normalize your immune system without harmful side effects. Keep in mind that CFS is a real problem that should be dealt with before it damages your life!

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